How to build your customer base

One of the main concerns for businesses is acquiring new customers. A regular stream of new customers helps to counteract any lost customers, plus brings in fresh revenue along with an opportunity to improve your customer experience.

To help alleviate this concern, we’ve provided some actionable advice for high street printers to help them build their customer base and keep those presses running at capacity!

Target local businesses

Take advantage of your retail location and target the businesses around you. Local businesses often support each other, and they are likely to need a regular stock of leaflets, business cards, posters… why not visit them and ask for a meeting?

Attend networking events

Find out about local business networking events in your area. These are a great way to meet local business owners and get your business (and your business cards!) out there. Lots of UK based networking events are listed here. Alternatively, look out for local business networks and associations, such as Chamber of Commerce groups.

Colin McDermott, Tradeprint Print Coach, says always be prepared when you attend networking events! Review your elevator pitch, ensure you have sample packs and business cards, and research who will be in attendance so you know who you’d like to talk to.

Partner with educational institutions

Create a partnership with your local universities and colleges. Not only do these institutions have thousands of student dissertations to print and bind every year, they also have hundreds of graphic design students who are your potential customers. Get in early with these new professionals and keep their business for years to come.

Offer to give a presentation to their creative students on a print related topic, such as the difference between paper stocks or how to set up artwork for various print finishes, and leave each student with a sample pack containing your contact details. Consider giving a student discount on print work too, encouraging these students to choose you over competitors.

Ready to grow your business?

Download our free e-book, 68 ways to grow your high street print business, to receive a wealth of actionable business advice to help you grow your print business. As well as gaining new customers, our e-book will help you understand the print industry and your customers, increase your product offering, maximise on opportunities from your retail space, improve your sales technique, build your marketing, and help you outsource.

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